Student demonstrators in Prince Edward,
July 1963 |
In 1959, local officials
closed the public school system of Prince Edward County, Virginia,
in defiance of the desegregation ruling of the United States
Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka,
Kansas, 1954.
For a period of five years, 1959-1964, public education was
denied to more than 2,000 African-American children and a
number of poor white children who, with only a few exceptions,
remained unschooled.
No other political jurisdiction in the United States had
taken the extreme step of closing its entire public school
system to avoid desegregation. The human legacy of these tragic
events was a crippled generation of uneducated and under-educated
children who were denied their right to education and, thus,
their right to full participation in American society. It
is fair to say that in no other community in the country did
the Brown ruling have such a significant effect.
The African-American community of Prince Edward was one of
five plaintiffs in the historic Brown case. The closing
of the public schools there was the climactic event of a decades-long
struggle for educational opportunity by the African-American
community of this rural, agricultural region of southside
They Closed Our Schools is a documentary film of a
history unique in the American experience. This story of a
community in crisis is a cautionary tale that starkly illustrates
the pain and damage inflicted by the denial of education and
asks us to consider that similar issues can still threaten
public education today.